Well hello there, and welcome; i had an account on youtube for awhile called lolipopslayer but as most of you know youtube changed it’s design and limit of subbers and this and that...
but let’s not get into that, what do i do here exactly? i play video games and showcase them, i like all shorts of games, including cod,l4d,bioshock,red dead redemption,team fortress 2, and medal gear solid.
Big music fan. i enjoy ska, punk, hip hop, jazz, alternative, and swing music.
I also enjoy reading comic books, favorite heroes are batman,spiderman,deadpool,the punisher, and the flash.
so if you have questions, or whatever just ask.
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║║║║║║║║═╣pg if u support
║╔╣╚╝║║║║║Punk ppl
╚╝╚══╩╩╩╩╝or are one!!!

United States