Impact of Physical Stress on Health During Medical Abortion
Impact of Physical Stress on Health During Medical Abortion
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Uploaded: Aug 10 2023
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Pregnancy sprouts several physiological changes; thus, feeling stressed is common at this stage. Your body, your emotions, and your family life are all changing. Perhaps you anticipate the pregnancy but if you have existing medical conditions, then the good news can come along with a few anxieties. On the other hand, those wanting to take an abortion pill while stressed physically. Exposure to excessive stress in the long term can result in hypertension and heart disease, among other health issues.
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Views: 388
Uploaded: Aug 10 2023
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Pregnancy sprouts several physiological changes; thus, feeling stressed is common at this stage. Your body, your emotions, and your family life are all changing. Perhaps you anticipate the pregnancy but if you have existing medical conditions, then the good news can come along with a few anxieties. On the other hand, those wanting to take an abortion pill while stressed physically. Exposure to excessive stress in the long term can result in hypertension and heart disease, among other health issues.