Facebook doesn't respect the Free Speech rights and Section 230 rights of their Facebook Users.
Facebook doesn't respect the Free Speech rights and Section 230 rights of their Facebook Users.
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Uploaded: Oct 21 2021
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Facebook doesn't respect the Free Speech (First Amendment / 1st Amendment) rights and Section 230 rights of their Facebook Users a.k.a. Facebook Customers. Once again on June 25, 2016 Facebook falsely deleted another one of my Facebook Comments of me preaching the Holy Bible to Muslims. Facebook also blocked me for 3 days on June 25, 2016 because I preached the Holy Bible to Muslims. Facebook HATES Christian Conservatives such as myself and Facebook HATES the Holy Bible. You can read my Christian Conservative Facebook Comment of me preaching the Holy Bible to Muslims down below. This Image have my Facebook Comment with an Image which have the message that Facebook gave me after Facebook falsely deleted my Facebook Comment so check out what is down below.

Repent ALL Muslims of ALL your Sins, Transgressions, Bad works, Iniquities and the Sin of being a Muslim in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Then ALL Muslims get Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ a.k.a. the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Next ALL Muslims Pray for yourself to receive the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Finally ALL Muslims become Christians by READING, STUDYING and mostly by DOING that which is still to be done in the Holy Bible plus watch Christian videos and movies. Please ALL Muslims ask us Christians to teach ALL of you Muslims the Holy Bible.
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Views: 832
Uploaded: Oct 21 2021
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Rating: 1/5 ~ Votes: 1
Photos: 79
Subscribers: 6
Facebook doesn't respect the Free Speech (First Amendment / 1st Amendment) rights and Section 230 rights of their Facebook Users a.k.a. Facebook Customers. Once again on June 25, 2016 Facebook falsely deleted another one of my Facebook Comments of me preaching the Holy Bible to Muslims. Facebook also blocked me for 3 days on June 25, 2016 because I preached the Holy Bible to Muslims. Facebook HATES Christian Conservatives such as myself and Facebook HATES the Holy Bible. You can read my Christian Conservative Facebook Comment of me preaching the Holy Bible to Muslims down below. This Image have my Facebook Comment with an Image which have the message that Facebook gave me after Facebook falsely deleted my Facebook Comment so check out what is down below.

Repent ALL Muslims of ALL your Sins, Transgressions, Bad works, Iniquities and the Sin of being a Muslim in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Then ALL Muslims get Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ a.k.a. the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Next ALL Muslims Pray for yourself to receive the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Finally ALL Muslims become Christians by READING, STUDYING and mostly by DOING that which is still to be done in the Holy Bible plus watch Christian videos and movies. Please ALL Muslims ask us Christians to teach ALL of you Muslims the Holy Bible.