Games from the Crypt - Valis 3 (Turbo Grafx 16 Version) Haunted Graveyard of Rogles Stage
Games from the Crypt - Valis 3 (Turbo Grafx 16 Version) Haunted Graveyard of Rogles Stage
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Uploaded: Oct 24 2021
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Games from the Crypt - Valis III (PC Engine CD Version) Haunted Graveyard of Roglus Stage

heres another Halloween themed "Games from the Crypt" Lets Play/Walkthrough Video I uploaded for the Halloween Season,and it's on one of my fav ghoulish stages from the Turbo Grafx 16 Version o f Valis III,which is part of the Mugen Senshi Valis franchise,a series of Magical Girl Action Platformers from the early 80's ^^

This game was eventually ported to the Sega Genesis 1 year later,but this particular stage was entirely missing in the Sega Genesis Version.

great stage,and very well designed which has a Castlevania vibe to it which Yuko is enterting into Castlevania Graveyard territoty! but the god awful halarious cheesy English Dub voice acting though.XD. but since this was a game made in the early 1990's,I can easilly over look that which the game play is all that matters. while the Turbo Grafx CD Version had more stages,but the Genesis/Megadrive Version had the better

and just like the Genesis port,you can switch between the 3 Magical girl Warriors Yuko,her Twin Sister Valna and they're Demon Friend Cham

anyways enjoy ^^

Oh and BTW,on a little Sidenote,the comics I used on one of my Ending segments is from the recent 2021
Purgatori the Vampire demon goddess Comics,

a series of violent Horror/SuperHero Comics where the main character Purgatori is both a villian and an Anti-Hero similar to the Capcom Demon character Firebrand from capcom's "Ghosts N Goblins" and "
Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest" Spinoff

Yeah! remember when the Ghosts N Goblins games gave many classic Nintendo fans so much freaken hell trying to kill this Bastard? Well,unlike Firebrand,Purgatori was way more awsome and more sexy with those thick
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Views: 753
Uploaded: Oct 24 2021
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Photos: 66
Subscribers: 40
Games from the Crypt - Valis III (PC Engine CD Version) Haunted Graveyard of Roglus Stage

heres another Halloween themed "Games from the Crypt" Lets Play/Walkthrough Video I uploaded for the Halloween Season,and it's on one of my fav ghoulish stages from the Turbo Grafx 16 Version o f Valis III,which is part of the Mugen Senshi Valis franchise,a series of Magical Girl Action Platformers from the early 80's ^^

This game was eventually ported to the Sega Genesis 1 year later,but this particular stage was entirely missing in the Sega Genesis Version.

great stage,and very well designed which has a Castlevania vibe to it which Yuko is enterting into Castlevania Graveyard territoty! but the god awful halarious cheesy English Dub voice acting though.XD. but since this was a game made in the early 1990's,I can easilly over look that which the game play is all that matters. while the Turbo Grafx CD Version had more stages,but the Genesis/Megadrive Version had the better

and just like the Genesis port,you can switch between the 3 Magical girl Warriors Yuko,her Twin Sister Valna and they're Demon Friend Cham

anyways enjoy ^^

Oh and BTW,on a little Sidenote,the comics I used on one of my Ending segments is from the recent 2021
Purgatori the Vampire demon goddess Comics,

a series of violent Horror/SuperHero Comics where the main character Purgatori is both a villian and an Anti-Hero similar to the Capcom Demon character Firebrand from capcom's "Ghosts N Goblins" and "
Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest" Spinoff

Yeah! remember when the Ghosts N Goblins games gave many classic Nintendo fans so much freaken hell trying to kill this Bastard? Well,unlike Firebrand,Purgatori was way more awsome and more sexy with those thick