Marquise Diamond
Marquise Diamond
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Uploaded: Mar 15 2023
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Use our diamond search to find the Marquise diamond. Marquise diamonds have an elongated oval shape with sharp edges. Marquise diamonds can create the illusion of greater size because of their long and narrow shape. Jewelers sometimes refer to the Marquise cut as the Nevet cut. To buy Marquise Diamonds visit our online store.
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Views: 290
Uploaded: Mar 15 2023
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Photos: 236
Subscribers: 1
Use our diamond search to find the Marquise diamond. Marquise diamonds have an elongated oval shape with sharp edges. Marquise diamonds can create the illusion of greater size because of their long and narrow shape. Jewelers sometimes refer to the Marquise cut as the Nevet cut. To buy Marquise Diamonds visit our online store.