Minds.com STEALS their own users' money and crypto currencies - I filed Criminal Complaint with government officials.
Minds.com STEALS their own users' money and crypto currencies - I filed Criminal Complaint with government officials.
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Uploaded: Apr 3 2023
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* The Minds.com's Employees STEAL their own users' money and crypto currencies - I contacted many government officials here in the United States of America by e-mailing the government officials to file a Criminal Complaint against Minds.com. The Minds.com's Employees falsely banned me for spam, STOLE my crypto currency and I can't access my MetaMask account number which was created on Minds.com. You can read what I said to those many government officials in my e-mail on the picture that is with this Post and partly down below. Minds.com is a Scam and a Fraud.

Hello _____________ and all whom it may concern at your _________'s office. I am e-mailing you to file a Criminal Complaint with you _________ and with your _________'s office against a cryptocurrency social media platform (website) called Minds.com. I joined Minds.com in April 2018. Why? Because the CEO and Co-founder of Minds.com named Bill Ottman said that Minds.com is a Free Speech social media platform. Bill Ottman also said that Minds.com will pay their users cryptocurrency when their users do certain activities on Minds.com.

You _________ and your _________'s office can watch videos of Bill Ottman talking about how Minds.com is a Free Speech social media platform and about how Minds.com pays their users in cryptocurrency on the YouTube videos here https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Bill+Ottman+said+Minds.com+Pays+crypto. My Minds.com Page a.k.a. Minds.com Account is called FascinatingVision. The Minds.com's Employees has falsely banned me and have STOLEN the cryptocurrency that they paid me for doing certain activities on Minds.com.

The CEO and Co-founder Bill Ottman and the other Minds.com's Employees named Nicholas Lewis a.k.a. Nick, Michael Bobman and etc. has falsely banned me and STOLE my crypto. I tried to login to my Minds.com Page on September 25, 2022 whereby I found out that I was falsely banned from Minds.com. I then e-mailed the Minds.com's Employees four times. In the e-mail conversions that I had with Michael Bobman and etc.. I was told by the Minds.com's Employee named Michael Bobman that all the Minds.com's Employees are allowed to STEAL cryptocurrency based on what is written in the Minds.com's terms of service which was changed at least back in 2019 after I joined Minds.com in 2018.
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Views: 370
Uploaded: Apr 3 2023
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Rating: 1/5 ~ Votes: 1
Photos: 79
Subscribers: 6
* The Minds.com's Employees STEAL their own users' money and crypto currencies - I contacted many government officials here in the United States of America by e-mailing the government officials to file a Criminal Complaint against Minds.com. The Minds.com's Employees falsely banned me for spam, STOLE my crypto currency and I can't access my MetaMask account number which was created on Minds.com. You can read what I said to those many government officials in my e-mail on the picture that is with this Post and partly down below. Minds.com is a Scam and a Fraud.

Hello _____________ and all whom it may concern at your _________'s office. I am e-mailing you to file a Criminal Complaint with you _________ and with your _________'s office against a cryptocurrency social media platform (website) called Minds.com. I joined Minds.com in April 2018. Why? Because the CEO and Co-founder of Minds.com named Bill Ottman said that Minds.com is a Free Speech social media platform. Bill Ottman also said that Minds.com will pay their users cryptocurrency when their users do certain activities on Minds.com.

You _________ and your _________'s office can watch videos of Bill Ottman talking about how Minds.com is a Free Speech social media platform and about how Minds.com pays their users in cryptocurrency on the YouTube videos here https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Bill+Ottman+said+Minds.com+Pays+crypto. My Minds.com Page a.k.a. Minds.com Account is called FascinatingVision. The Minds.com's Employees has falsely banned me and have STOLEN the cryptocurrency that they paid me for doing certain activities on Minds.com.

The CEO and Co-founder Bill Ottman and the other Minds.com's Employees named Nicholas Lewis a.k.a. Nick, Michael Bobman and etc. has falsely banned me and STOLE my crypto. I tried to login to my Minds.com Page on September 25, 2022 whereby I found out that I was falsely banned from Minds.com. I then e-mailed the Minds.com's Employees four times. In the e-mail conversions that I had with Michael Bobman and etc.. I was told by the Minds.com's Employee named Michael Bobman that all the Minds.com's Employees are allowed to STEAL cryptocurrency based on what is written in the Minds.com's terms of service which was changed at least back in 2019 after I joined Minds.com in 2018.