the thunder
the thunder
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Uploaded: Feb 3 2023
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i did a commando styLe video & for the back ground music i took a short cLip from the aLdo nova song "medicine man" and LOOPed it muLtipLe times , then added the Lead guitar soLo....
ABBA intro - in the 1990's the LocaL (pro League) hockey team was being soLd & peter puck (owner) was gonna try to seLL to USA owners, thereby moving the franchise - so there was a BIG fan uprising to keep the team in E-town. a buch of "STAY" posters got in the hands of the masses . and one of the LocaL sports radio spooks is a cLoset abba fan. haha ! (b.s.)
video on 'vidLii' ( )
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Views: 372
Uploaded: Feb 3 2023
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 1
Photos: 390
Subscribers: 33
i did a commando styLe video & for the back ground music i took a short cLip from the aLdo nova song "medicine man" and LOOPed it muLtipLe times , then added the Lead guitar soLo....
ABBA intro - in the 1990's the LocaL (pro League) hockey team was being soLd & peter puck (owner) was gonna try to seLL to USA owners, thereby moving the franchise - so there was a BIG fan uprising to keep the team in E-town. a buch of "STAY" posters got in the hands of the masses . and one of the LocaL sports radio spooks is a cLoset abba fan. haha ! (b.s.)
video on 'vidLii' ( )