The Bridal Shringara- Oil Painting On Canvas
The Bridal Shringara- Oil Painting On Canvas
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Views: 749
Uploaded: Jul 30 2021
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The brown, sparkling eyes keep a steady gaze over the mirror, stupified by their own beauty, filled with kohl and green eyeliner that enhances their beauty. The red-colored lips have

twitched into a smile and the long, elegantly straight nose sets over the smooth, wheaty-complexioned face of the woman. Her neck is adorned with two dim faux colored diamond

necklaces and white pearl Mala that drapes over her cleavage. This is a Bridal Shringara Oil Painting on Canvas which is made by artist anup gomay.

Bridal Shringara:

Oil Paintings:


#paintings #indianart #oilpaintings #bridalshringaa #art #oilsoncanvas #canvaspainting #anupgomayarts
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Views: 749
Uploaded: Jul 30 2021
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Rating: 0/5 ~ Votes: 0
Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The brown, sparkling eyes keep a steady gaze over the mirror, stupified by their own beauty, filled with kohl and green eyeliner that enhances their beauty. The red-colored lips have

twitched into a smile and the long, elegantly straight nose sets over the smooth, wheaty-complexioned face of the woman. Her neck is adorned with two dim faux colored diamond

necklaces and white pearl Mala that drapes over her cleavage. This is a Bridal Shringara Oil Painting on Canvas which is made by artist anup gomay.

Bridal Shringara:

Oil Paintings:


#paintings #indianart #oilpaintings #bridalshringaa #art #oilsoncanvas #canvaspainting #anupgomayarts