php in technical world
php in technical world
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Uploaded: Nov 11 2022
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PHP is one of the most frequently used languages for building interactive websites and web applications due to its open-source resources and fast performance. In their end-to-end computing infrastructure, some of the biggest web platforms of today use PHP, including Facebook, Flickr, Yahoo, MailChimp, and Wikipedia, to name a few.
#php #html #javascript #css #java #programming #python #coding #webdevelopment #developer #programmer #webdeveloper #webdesign #code #coder #software #softwaredeveloper #computerscience #web #technology #webdesigner #linux #wordpress #development #codinglife #laravel #js #android #mysql #nodejs
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Views: 1,244
Uploaded: Nov 11 2022
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Photos: 11
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PHP is one of the most frequently used languages for building interactive websites and web applications due to its open-source resources and fast performance. In their end-to-end computing infrastructure, some of the biggest web platforms of today use PHP, including Facebook, Flickr, Yahoo, MailChimp, and Wikipedia, to name a few.
#php #html #javascript #css #java #programming #python #coding #webdevelopment #developer #programmer #webdeveloper #webdesign #code #coder #software #softwaredeveloper #computerscience #web #technology #webdesigner #linux #wordpress #development #codinglife #laravel #js #android #mysql #nodejs