Jimmy's School-bus Rocket Science
Jimmy's School-bus Rocket Science
Photos: 19
Subscribers: 13
Views: 734
Uploaded: Aug 10 2021
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Here's a new custom wallpaper I worked extra hard on, featuring a quick little backstory of how Jimmy Neutron became the boy genus he was, after being saved from being in an abandoned classroom, to being taken by the Magic School Bus, Magic School Bus is one of my top favorite PBS shows, and it was later included on Discovery Kids and Fox Kids, and it's educational with science in the best way. Jimmy Neutron is one the better early-mid 2000s nicktoons for sure, which I like it far better then Danny Phantom or Fairly Oddparents! Enjoy guys.
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Views: 734
Uploaded: Aug 10 2021
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 1
Photos: 19
Subscribers: 13
Here's a new custom wallpaper I worked extra hard on, featuring a quick little backstory of how Jimmy Neutron became the boy genus he was, after being saved from being in an abandoned classroom, to being taken by the Magic School Bus, Magic School Bus is one of my top favorite PBS shows, and it was later included on Discovery Kids and Fox Kids, and it's educational with science in the best way. Jimmy Neutron is one the better early-mid 2000s nicktoons for sure, which I like it far better then Danny Phantom or Fairly Oddparents! Enjoy guys.