Adopt an olive tree in Italy
Adopt an olive tree in Italy
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Views: 542
Uploaded: Feb 10 2022
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As said by Ecosia we cannot forget to restore our exhisting forests for contributing to save the Planet. Ager Oliva 's mission is to save all the abandoned olive trees in Italy through adoption at distance from all around the World, not only for saving biodiversity, but also because an olive grove has a higher capacity of absorbing CO2 than a wood. You can contribute to the planet and receive at home your organic fresh olive oil from the adopted olive trees in Tuscany.
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Views: 542
Uploaded: Feb 10 2022
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Photos: 40
Subscribers: 1
As said by Ecosia we cannot forget to restore our exhisting forests for contributing to save the Planet. Ager Oliva 's mission is to save all the abandoned olive trees in Italy through adoption at distance from all around the World, not only for saving biodiversity, but also because an olive grove has a higher capacity of absorbing CO2 than a wood. You can contribute to the planet and receive at home your organic fresh olive oil from the adopted olive trees in Tuscany.