Large Standing Lord Vishnu Brass Statue
Large Standing Lord Vishnu Brass Statue
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Uploaded: Apr 30 2022
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Nara-Narayana, sages who were the incarnations of Bhagavan Vishnu were deep into austerities when Devas alarmed by their powers, sent celestial nymphs to disrupt their effort. Reacting to this nuisance, Narayana placed a lotus flower on his thigh, from which an unmatchable beauty emerged. She was Urvashi, the maiden whose beauty put to shame all the women of the Devlok. Among the many lessons from this story is that Lord Vishnu is the adobe of all the beauty- visible as well incomprehensible. In him resides the exquisiteness that lights up the human eye inspires the artist and captures the heart of a devotee deeply in love. He is beauty personified. This is how the maker of this outstanding brass Vishnu idol wants us to see Him.

Standing Vishnu Statue:

Vishnu Statues:

Brass Statues:

Hindu God:

#brassstatues #vishnustatues #vishnubrassstatue #vishnubrassidol #standinglordvishnu #hindugod #lordvishnu #vishnuidol #statues
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Views: 523
Uploaded: Apr 30 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Nara-Narayana, sages who were the incarnations of Bhagavan Vishnu were deep into austerities when Devas alarmed by their powers, sent celestial nymphs to disrupt their effort. Reacting to this nuisance, Narayana placed a lotus flower on his thigh, from which an unmatchable beauty emerged. She was Urvashi, the maiden whose beauty put to shame all the women of the Devlok. Among the many lessons from this story is that Lord Vishnu is the adobe of all the beauty- visible as well incomprehensible. In him resides the exquisiteness that lights up the human eye inspires the artist and captures the heart of a devotee deeply in love. He is beauty personified. This is how the maker of this outstanding brass Vishnu idol wants us to see Him.

Standing Vishnu Statue:

Vishnu Statues:

Brass Statues:

Hindu God:

#brassstatues #vishnustatues #vishnubrassstatue #vishnubrassidol #standinglordvishnu #hindugod #lordvishnu #vishnuidol #statues