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Uploaded: 4 years ago
A resplendent Rama-durbar painting to add to the auspiciousness of your home. The Hindustani word ‘durbar’ translates to court, and indeed what a glamorous court of Lord Rama this is. The Lord and His wife, the sacredly beautiful Devi Seeta, are seated on a throne at the center of the composition. It is upholstered in red velvet and gilt with gold to convey the cosmic glamour of the Vishnu and
A resplendent Rama-durbar painting to add to the auspiciousness of your home. The Hindustani word â€
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Uploaded: 4 years ago
Views: 990
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Lord Hanuman with five faces staring in different directions is the most magnificent, powerful, and revered form. He assumed this form when he was assigned with the responsibility of protecting Lord Ram’s life. According to the legend, Ravana asked one of his brothers, Mahiravana (King of the netherworld) to kidnap Lord Rama and Lakshman. The demon Mahiravana’s soul rested in five lamps and to
Lord Hanuman with five faces staring in different directions is the most magnificent, powerful, and
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
The five (‘pancha’) faces (‘mukha’) of Panchamukha Hanuman stand for the five means of worship that the great yogi extended to Lord Rama: naman, smaran, keerthanam, yacham, and arpanam. The faces are (from left to right) Lakshmi Varaha, Mahaveera Garuda, Anjaneya, Karala Ugraveera Narasimha, and Hayagriva. The Panchamukha on this page is possessed of eight arms (the ashtabhujadhari). The m
The five (‘pancha’) faces (‘mukha’) of Panchamukha Hanuman stand for the five means of worsh
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
This exquisitely remarkable and stunning creation from the region of Swamimalai truly awes the viewer, whether for its artistic presence or religious sentiment. This skillful work of art truly encapsulates how a god’s image, or its ‘murti,’ rivets the devotee to the ground, making him lose his material bondings and wholeheartedly devote his life to the service of this benevolent and majestic
This exquisitely remarkable and stunning creation from the region of Swamimalai truly awes the viewe
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Sri Hanuman is one of the most widely revered gods of the Hindu pantheon. This imposing, bejeweled statue of the Lord captures His divine appeal to perfection: the resplendence of all three looks pours forth from the skin, while His muscles give away His superhuman strength. The clenched fist, the parting of His legs, and the angle of His mace - without which His iconography is incomplete - are in
Sri Hanuman is one of the most widely revered gods of the Hindu pantheon. This imposing, bejeweled s
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Lord Hanuman sits down balanced on a single knee. He sets the mace down to His right, and gathers His hands in the namaskaram mudra. This mudra conveys an acknowledgement of the divine contained within the entity afore oneself. In the case of the great Hanuman, it is none other than Lord Rama before whom He bows. The face with the protruding jaws that bear striking resemblance to a monkey.
Lord Hanuman sits down balanced on a single knee. He sets the mace down to His right, and gathers Hi
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
On a throne of cut-glass lotus petals kneels Lord Hanuman. The right knee grazes the surface of the throne, the left foot set against the same. Against the knee jutting out laterally rests His goad, the weapon that is indispensable to the cebine iconography of Lord Hanuman. Like the jewels on the body of the warrior deity, His weapon is engraved and studded with pearls and rubies. A red and blue d
On a throne of cut-glass lotus petals kneels Lord Hanuman. The right knee grazes the surface of the
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Lord Hanuman is revered as a fine warrior and a great bhakta (devotee). As part of the vanara-sena that fought Lanka on Rama’s side, His valour and His love of Rama (and everything dear to Rama) are much talked about to this day. The fact that Hanuman is a superior yogi, possessed of the ashtasiddhis and the navanidhis, is oft overlooked. The murti that you see on this page is a solid-cast work
Lord Hanuman is revered as a fine warrior and a great bhakta (devotee). As part of the vanara-sena t
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
The tale of Pancamukha Hanuman from Ramayana tells of the monkey god’s battle with the King of Patala, Ahiravana, and his five celestial lamps. Hidden within the flames of these lamps, diverging away in five different directions, lay the soul of the daitya king. To kill Ahiravana the flames all needed to be extinguished at the same time. Lord Hanuman spouted five faces, each with a distinct pers
The tale of Pancamukha Hanuman from Ramayana tells of the monkey god’s battle with the King of Pat
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Lord Hanuman is known to be a popular symbol of strength and selfless devotee of Lord Rama in Hinduism. It is said that he is the only God who is still present on Earth in various forms as per Sita’s blessing of being there for his devotees forever. The sculptor has kept up to the key characteristics of Lord Hanuman of devotion, courage, and self-discipline while carving out this sculpture, as c
Lord Hanuman is known to be a popular symbol of strength and selfless devotee of Lord Rama in Hindui
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
In Hinduism, Hanuman is a very powerful and strong god. He was an avatar of Vishnu, a god of Hindus. He is also a figure of strength, perseverance, and devotion and is one of the Chiranjeevi. In Hindu mythology, he is known as the monkey commander of the monkey army and his exploits are recorded in Ramayana. The Hindu belief in Hanuman helps them to assist the lower self that is lost to ignorance
In Hinduism, Hanuman is a very powerful and strong god. He was an avatar of Vishnu, a god of Hindus.
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
An image of tender devotion. Lord Hanuman kneels on one knee upon the earth and gathers His hands in the supplicatory namaskaaram. His tail flourishes behind Him as He raises His head towards His beloved Lord Rama, His eyes brimming with the bhakti in His heart. Bhakti, or unconditional love, is the yogamaarga (‘maarga’ is Sanskrit for path) of Hanuman, an accomplished yogi of the finest order
An image of tender devotion. Lord Hanuman kneels on one knee upon the earth and gathers His hands in
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Polished with a golden sheen and cast in bronze, the majestic Hanuman kneels in the form of Panchamukhi (five-headed) on this sculpture. All his five heads stare off in five different directions, eternalised at the moment he defeats Ahiravana in the warm depths of the underworld. During the battle between Lord Rama and the demon king Ravana, the latter went to the ruler of the netherworld seeking
Polished with a golden sheen and cast in bronze, the majestic Hanuman kneels in the form of Panchamu
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
The work of art you see on this page is a powerful confluence. It is a fusion of the innocence and wisdom of Lord Ganesha with the strength and prowess of Lord Hanuman. The former has the gigantic head of the gentle elephant, the latter the protruding jaw of the clever monkey. A fine blend of the two makes for composition so unusual, that it would be a one-of-a-kind addition to any private space o
The work of art you see on this page is a powerful confluence. It is a fusion of the innocence and w
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
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Uploaded: 8 months ago
Hanuman Jayanti Puja is the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, a major Hindu festival celebrated with immense devotion and enthusiasm across the world. Vaikunth can celebrate Hanuman Jayanti with lots of puja rites, rituals, and devotion by which devotees can enhance power, knowledge, divine ability, bravery, intelligence, and an attitude of selfless service and clear bad karma. Visit us- https:
Hanuman Jayanti Puja is the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman, a major Hindu festival celebrated wit
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Uploaded: 8 months ago