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Views: 195
Uploaded: 6 months ago
thanksgiving 2013 (october) cda, i took my dog for a run across from my place and wile i was filming, i dropped my keys. in the leaves , my dog found them ! YAY 30 minutes later. talk about PANIC CITY , that is NOT on the video, how i LOST my keys is on the video,
thanksgiving 2013 (october) cda, i took my dog for a run across from my place and wile i was filming
Views: 195
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Views: 155
Uploaded: 4 months ago
saturday afternoon over by my place. two minutes of your Life you will never get back ... this was a warning. edits by flak wolfe 142
saturday afternoon over by my place. two minutes of your Life you will never get back ... this was
Views: 155
Uploaded: 4 months ago