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Jude 15-16 15 To execute judgment upon all and to convict all the impious (unholy ones) of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed [in such an] ungodly [way], and of all the severe (abusive, jarring) things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him. 16 These are inveterate murmurers (grumblers) who complain [of their lot in life], going after their own desires [controlled by t
Jude 15-16 15 To execute judgment upon all and to convict all the impious (unholy ones) of all th
Views: 626
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Views: 525
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Isa 6:13-7:1 13 And though a tenth [of the people] remain in the land, it will be for their destruction [eaten up and burned] like a terebinth tree or like an oak whose stump and substance remain when they are felled or have cast their leaves. The holy seed [the elect remnant] is the stump and substance [of Israel].
Isa 6:13-7:1 13 And though a tenth [of the people] remain in the land, it will be for their destr
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Uploaded: 2 years ago
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Uploaded: 2 years ago
Seal - Love's Divine
Seal - Love's Divine
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Uploaded: 2 years ago
Isa 4:5 5 And the Lord will create over the whole site, over every dwelling place of Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory shall be a canopy (a defense of divine love and protection). AMP
Isa 4:5 5 And the Lord will create over the whole site, over every dwelling place of Mount Zion and
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Uploaded: 2 years ago
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Uploaded: 7 months ago
Elevate your spiritual journey by investing in authentic and high-quality Pooja Saman available at With a commitment to tradition, quality, and customer satisfaction, stands as a reliable platform for all your Indian Puja item needs. Embark on a divine experience as you bring home the essence of spirituality through these thoughtfully curated products. https://www.sha
Elevate your spiritual journey by investing in authentic and high-quality Pooja Saman available at S
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Uploaded: 7 months ago
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Uploaded: 1 year ago
Isa 6:13-7:1 13 And though a tenth [of the people] remain in the land, it will be for their destruction [eaten up and burned] like a terebinth tree or like an oak whose stump and substance remain when they are felled or have cast their leaves. The holy seed [the elect remnant] is the stump and substance [of Israel].
Isa 6:13-7:1 13 And though a tenth [of the people] remain in the land, it will be for their des
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Uploaded: 1 year ago
Views: 252
Uploaded: 9 months ago Embark on a transformative journey with Sharvadri Divine Collection at Elevate your spiritual experience with exquisite artifacts and sacred items curated to enhance your connection with the divine. Discover a range of spiritually enriching products to uplift your soul. Call 9506503082 to bring a touc Embark on a trans
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Uploaded: 9 months ago
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Uploaded: 1 year ago
1 John 5:13-14 I write this to you who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) the name of the Son of God [in the peculiar services and blessings conferred by Him on men], so that you may know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that you [already] have life, yes, eternal life. 14 And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] t
1 John 5:13-14 I write this to you who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) the name of t
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Uploaded: 1 year ago
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Uploaded: 6 months ago
1 John 5:13-14 I write this to you who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) the name of the Son of God [in the peculiar services and blessings conferred by Him on men], so that you may know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that you [already] have life, yes, eternal life. 14 And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] t
1 John 5:13-14 I write this to you who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) the name of t
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Uploaded: 6 months ago
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Uploaded: 4 weeks ago
Numinous - The Enormity Of Evil Divine
Numinous - The Enormity Of Evil Divine
Views: 37
Uploaded: 4 weeks ago