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Views: 1,371
Uploaded: 2 years ago
It started in the 1980's as a young boy and today he is still overcoming the horror and abuse that a dark entity committed throughout his life. His job as a human being is to save himself from this unforeseen predator that hides within the human body like a leech draining the positive energy from his soul. His only hope is to share this true story with the world and finally be free from his s
It started in the 1980's as a young boy and today he is still overcoming the horror and abuse t
Views: 1,371
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Views: 441
Uploaded: 2 years ago
PAST ARTICLE UPDATE: APRIL 17, 2000 The late Rapper Jam Master Jay, his rap group Run DMC, and Reynaldo Reyes where spiritually set up by Jesus Christ and his heavenly father Yahweh. The first thing that Yahweh did, he deliberately started a rumor about me Reynaldo with the rappers Run DMC on January 1, 1986. Because I saw in a vision in the early 1970's, and in the 1980's that Jesus Ch
PAST ARTICLE UPDATE: APRIL 17, 2000 The late Rapper Jam Master Jay, his rap group Run DMC, and Reyn
Views: 441
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Views: 387
Uploaded: 2 years ago
PAST ARTICLE UPDATE: APRIL 17, 2000 The late Rapper Jam Master Jay, his rap group Run DMC, and Reynaldo Reyes where spiritually set up by Jesus Christ and his heavenly father Yahweh. The first thing that Yahweh did, he deliberately started a rumor about me Reynaldo with the rappers Run DMC on January 1, 1986. Because I saw in a vision in the early 1970's, and in the 1980's that Jesus
PAST ARTICLE UPDATE: APRIL 17, 2000 The late Rapper Jam Master Jay, his rap group Run DMC, and Re
Views: 387
Uploaded: 2 years ago