Just a straight up butthurt fag crying about other people comments.
Just remember, sticks and stones may break my bones but...EH FORGET IT I AM MAD!
First Name
Rad aka Mad Rad
Relationship Status
Threesome Homosexual Relationship
About Me
Fuck you! Your insults suck!
Anyways I am Rad, but you can call me Mad Rad because I am butthurt over sensitive faggot. Or you can call me twitchy if we’re cool with each other.
I suffer from terrible neck spasms that have rendered me invalid and crippled. I am socially awkward, neurotic, sexually impotent, and a virgin. I hate women.
As a matter of fact I am part of a women hating club with my friend LilReese aka KINGOFTROLLERS, he has our motto in his channel: WE HATE WOMEN!!!!
United States
Slitting my wrists with my retarded bitch ICutMyselfDaily and crying about other people’s comments.
Favorite Movies & Shows
I would post them, but nobody cares about me.
Favorite Music
I pretend to be a metalhead.