Where do I start?
-My name Is Jinx. Some people call me Lucky (if those people have a death wish*glare*)
-I’m 17 years old.
-I’m not a good person. Not by a long-shot.
-I have a certain attraction to corruption and trouble. Comes with the luck i guess*shrug*
-I currently occupy Keystone City. I hate this place*eye roll*
-I live near my boys (Gizmo. Kyd. Billy. Mammouth. See-more.) in a small apartment. Kid Flash tells me they are a bad influence. I think the only influence they have on me is making me stupider.
- Kid is a whole other story...(relationship status: complicated? open? I don’t know we both flirt with whoever we want*frustrated sigh*)
-the wind in my hair
-the color pink
-being with Kid Flash*blush*
-getting to know the Titans (though they are annoying to listen to sometimes)
-arguing with Robin for fun*smiles*
-the temptation to hurt people(is it my attraction to power?)
-the temptation to hurt people(confusing right?)
-the color blue
-Madame Rouge
-sandwhiches with mustard
-jail (it’s cold*frown*)
I’m kind of confused on what to do with myself anymore. No stealing. No making babies cry. Now what am I gonna do?

United States
Dark Way Prep
H.I.V.E. Academy
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