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phoenixtactic36 has joined ChillSpot1, say hello to phoenixtactic36
12 months ago
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About Me
Tactical Shooting Classes Los Angeles
Phoenix Tactical Solutions Based in Los Angeles, PTS is dedicated to providing tactical solutions / firearms training for your specific defensive needs. Our DEF-TAC © customized programs are designed to provide you with solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios. We have taught civilians, military (active & reserves), law enforcement and contractors.
The handgun is probably the most versatile and practical of all small arms. At times when it’s not feasible to have a rifle or shotgun, a handgun is easily accessible. With proper training, tactics and mindset, the handgun can be a natural extension of your arm. At Phoenix Tactical Solutions, we take pride in tailor making a course which meets your specific requirements. Whether you’re a special forces operator or a civilian, we have the requisite tools to enhance and improve your shooting skills and tactics.
CCW Training Provider
Phoenix Tactical Solutions is an approved CCW training provider for LA County.
Offensive Tactical Solutions for your Defensive Needs.
PTS is a dedicated to providing firearms training for your specific defensive needs. Our DEF-TAC © customized programs are designed to provide you with solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios.
Highly skilled instructors will help you understand the intricacies of your weapon as well as how to effectively and skillfully deploy and use it. We will not only tell you how it’s done, WE’LL SHOW YOU. We guarantee that your shooting will be drastically improved after your first session with us.
Why Us?
Phoenix Tactical Solutions provides unique, customized, tactical training modules that are designed to provide you with defensive solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios. With 20+ years combined experience, we have the knowledge and skills and have taught civilians, military (active & reserves), law enforcement and contractors. We can tailor make instruction for your specific needs. If you are committed to achieving excellence, we will see to it that you attain it.
Maani Golesorkhi
Maani Golesorkhi has been a gun enthusiast all his life. He’s been a handgun, rifle, shotgun and tactics instructor since 2007 and has trained military and police.
He currently holds the following NRA certifications: NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor, NRA Certified Rifle Instructor, NRA Certified Range Safety Officer, NRA Ce
 United States
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Select the category that most closely reflects your concerns so we can review it and determine if it violates the Society Guidelines
phoenixtactic36 has joined ChillSpot1, say hello to phoenixtactic36
12 months ago
Member Since
About Me
Tactical Shooting Classes Los Angeles
Phoenix Tactical Solutions Based in Los Angeles, PTS is dedicated to providing tactical solutions / firearms training for your specific defensive needs. Our DEF-TAC © customized programs are designed to provide you with solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios. We have taught civilians, military (active & reserves), law enforcement and contractors.
The handgun is probably the most versatile and practical of all small arms. At times when it’s not feasible to have a rifle or shotgun, a handgun is easily accessible. With proper training, tactics and mindset, the handgun can be a natural extension of your arm. At Phoenix Tactical Solutions, we take pride in tailor making a course which meets your specific requirements. Whether you’re a special forces operator or a civilian, we have the requisite tools to enhance and improve your shooting skills and tactics.
CCW Training Provider
Phoenix Tactical Solutions is an approved CCW training provider for LA County.
Offensive Tactical Solutions for your Defensive Needs.
PTS is a dedicated to providing firearms training for your specific defensive needs. Our DEF-TAC © customized programs are designed to provide you with solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios.
Highly skilled instructors will help you understand the intricacies of your weapon as well as how to effectively and skillfully deploy and use it. We will not only tell you how it’s done, WE’LL SHOW YOU. We guarantee that your shooting will be drastically improved after your first session with us.
Why Us?
Phoenix Tactical Solutions provides unique, customized, tactical training modules that are designed to provide you with defensive solutions for specific tactical threat scenarios. With 20+ years combined experience, we have the knowledge and skills and have taught civilians, military (active & reserves), law enforcement and contractors. We can tailor make instruction for your specific needs. If you are committed to achieving excellence, we will see to it that you attain it.
Maani Golesorkhi
Maani Golesorkhi has been a gun enthusiast all his life. He’s been a handgun, rifle, shotgun and tactics instructor since 2007 and has trained military and police.
He currently holds the following NRA certifications: NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor, NRA Certified Rifle Instructor, NRA Certified Range Safety Officer, NRA Ce
 United States
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