XanderCrimson's Videos
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REAd DoWn ComPl3telY 2 kNoe me
iTz TOuGh 2 kNow aBoUt Me??
rEaD DowN cOmPlEtElY b4 SeNdInG AnY FrIeNdZ ReqUeSt oR mesasGE''
|f Iam HoNeSt PEoPlE cA|| ,m3 ShOw OFf aNd |f Iam HumbLe PeOpl3 cAlL Me a l|aR. | DnT wnT 2 Be bRaNdeD aS eiThEr.
|Am A PersOn WhO lOvEZ 2 maKe LoAdZ of FrIEnDz..WeLl ThTz My fAVoUr|tE hObBy! iAM a BiG cHatTeRbOX wHO CaN SpEaK 24 hRz nOn StOp |F GiVeN a cHanCe! | lUv LeArNiNg NeW tHiNgZ......| lUv SoccEr cHaTtInG oN MsN .. ...AnD 2 kNoW mOrE AbOuT mE U r MoSt wEL cUm 2 be My FrNd!
|M tHe wAY |M
| cAn maKe FrIeNdZ iN No TYmE...
So If U r hErE 4 fRnDz | think | wOnT Be d|sApPo|nTiNg..!
| lIkE sImPlE ThInG iN dIz lYfE Nd NoT t3rRiBlE,jUsT enJoy DiZ LyFe Nd FiLl iT WiD PoSIt|Ve tHiNgZ And | LiKe jOkInG VeRY MuCh
s|NcE fEeLiNgZ iZ FiRsT, WhO PaYz AnY atTeNtIoN 2 ThE SyNtAX oF ThInGz... wHoLlY wIl| NeVeR kIsS yOu!
iAm LivInG lYfE bY tHe MoMeNtZ, CouLDnT cAre LoSt 4 tHe FUtuRe.
HaPpY gO lUcKy 2 ThE mArRoW.... ThtZ tHe wAy |Am..."| WiLl dRiNk lEsS LyFe 2 tHe lEeS" ...
And |f DaM bReAkZ aPeN MaNy yEaRz tOo SoOn,
nd If ThErE iS nO rOoM On ThE HiLl,
nD iF uR Head XpLoDeS w|D dArK,fOrEbOdDiNgZ too
I'|| Se3 YoU oN De DaRk SiDe oF De MoOn...
nD |f De C|oUd BuRsTs, ThUnDeR |n YoUr 3aR,
YoU ShOuT nD No 1 Se3mZ 2 h3aR,
nD |f De BaNd U're |n StArTZ PlAy|nG DiFfEr3nT TuNeZ,
I'll Se3 U oN De DaRk Sid3 oF De MoOn
| StAy kOoL nD mY lYfe GoeZ SmOoTh.| lOvE 2 Sp3nD t|m3 w|D mY fRiEnDz
Be|iEv3 |n eNjOyInG lYfE |n EvErY s|tUaTiOnZ.St|cK oN On3 sAy|nG- "Do|nG WhT U lIkE iZ fReEdOm,bUt l|k|nG WhT U dO iZ hApPiNeSs". $t!|| u wAn@ kno @bt m3 so call m3 @DD mE n MessGE ME n B ma fwnD....have...... fun..lolXX....BUZz OFf....
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