Stephen Hereford- Voodoo Rap (A tribute to Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page)
Stephen Hereford- Voodoo Rap (A tribute to Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page)
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Subscribers: 32
Views: 1,020
Uploaded: May 4 2023
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This is my 3rd video on Youtube which I am dedicating to Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page. I have learned from Page the art of structuring guitar lines and a disciplined style whereas from Hendrix I have learned to improvise and to let loose and go crazy. A special thanx to Martin Bak "SLR Studio" for the sound engineering and to James Zedd "James Zedd Photography" for my photo shoot.
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Views: 1,020
Uploaded: May 4 2023
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 2
Videos: 1
Subscribers: 32
This is my 3rd video on Youtube which I am dedicating to Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page. I have learned from Page the art of structuring guitar lines and a disciplined style whereas from Hendrix I have learned to improvise and to let loose and go crazy. A special thanx to Martin Bak "SLR Studio" for the sound engineering and to James Zedd "James Zedd Photography" for my photo shoot.