Better Business Better Life Podcast. Episode #61. The Costa Rica success story with Richard Blank
Better Business Better Life Podcast. Episode #61. The Costa Rica success story with Richard Blank
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Uploaded: May 17 2023
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Welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. I’m your host, Deborah Chantry Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want out of business and life.

So good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business better life. Today I’m joined by the delightful Richard Blank, who is a CEO of the Costa Rica’s call center. And we’ve just been having a wee chat before we came on live today. And just hearing a bit about Rich’s background, it’s absolutely fascinating. So I can’t wait for him to share his stories with you. Richard, welcome.

On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want, not only out of your business, but also your life.

Quite a story with many twists and turns...At the beginning of the new millennium, a 27 year old Mr. Blank relocated to Costa Rica to train over 5000 employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. After 4 years, he decided to stay in Central America and dared himself to keep the faith in starting a call center company with the new skills acquired while living abroad. CCC celebrated its 14th year on February 6th, 2022.

#RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #deborahchantrytaylor #betterbusinessbetterlife
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Views: 273
Uploaded: May 17 2023
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Videos: 254
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Welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. I’m your host, Deborah Chantry Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want out of business and life.

So good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business better life. Today I’m joined by the delightful Richard Blank, who is a CEO of the Costa Rica’s call center. And we’ve just been having a wee chat before we came on live today. And just hearing a bit about Rich’s background, it’s absolutely fascinating. So I can’t wait for him to share his stories with you. Richard, welcome.

On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want, not only out of your business, but also your life.

Quite a story with many twists and turns...At the beginning of the new millennium, a 27 year old Mr. Blank relocated to Costa Rica to train over 5000 employees for one of the larger call centers in San Jose. After 4 years, he decided to stay in Central America and dared himself to keep the faith in starting a call center company with the new skills acquired while living abroad. CCC celebrated its 14th year on February 6th, 2022.

#RichardBlank #CostaRica #CallCenter #Outsourcing #Telemarketing #BPO #Sales #Entrepreneur #B2B #Business #Podcast #Leadgeneration #deborahchantrytaylor #betterbusinessbetterlife