Jackie Evancho - Lovers
Jackie Evancho - Lovers
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Subscribers: 59
Views: 737
Uploaded: Aug 6 2023
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Jackie Evancho - Lovers (from Dream With Me In Concert)

There was a field in my old town
Where we always played hand in hand
The wind was gently touching the grass
We were so young so fearless

Then I dreamt over and over
Of you holding me tight under the stars
I made a promise to my dear Lord
I will love you forever

Time has passed
So much has changed
But the field remains in my heart
Oh, where are you?
I need to tell you I still love you
So I reach out for you
You fly around me like a butterfly
Your voice still echoes in my heart
You are my true love

There was a field in my old town
Where in spring all flowers blossomed wide
We were chasing butterflies
Hand in hand 'till close of day
Your voice still echoes in my heart
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Views: 737
Uploaded: Aug 6 2023
Videos: 114
Subscribers: 59
Jackie Evancho - Lovers (from Dream With Me In Concert)

There was a field in my old town
Where we always played hand in hand
The wind was gently touching the grass
We were so young so fearless

Then I dreamt over and over
Of you holding me tight under the stars
I made a promise to my dear Lord
I will love you forever

Time has passed
So much has changed
But the field remains in my heart
Oh, where are you?
I need to tell you I still love you
So I reach out for you
You fly around me like a butterfly
Your voice still echoes in my heart
You are my true love

There was a field in my old town
Where in spring all flowers blossomed wide
We were chasing butterflies
Hand in hand 'till close of day
Your voice still echoes in my heart