County Donegal, Ireland - 1964
County Donegal, Ireland - 1964
Videos: 428
Subscribers: 122
Views: 719
Uploaded: Dec 30 2022
Videos: 428
Subscribers: 122
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This is such a good short film, showing the lives of the men who have to go away to work at hard jobs in England during six months of the year, and the women who do much work around their homes, and their children. Such good questions from the interviewer, I had no idea life was difficult yet the people seem to accept it well.
Comments (7)
Views: 719
Uploaded: Dec 30 2022
Videos: 428
Subscribers: 122
This is such a good short film, showing the lives of the men who have to go away to work at hard jobs in England during six months of the year, and the women who do much work around their homes, and their children. Such good questions from the interviewer, I had no idea life was difficult yet the people seem to accept it well.