Andromache - Ela (come)
Andromache - Ela (come)
Videos: 10
Subscribers: 242
Views: 1,131
Uploaded: Mar 29 2022
Videos: 10
Subscribers: 242
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ringing through my head
when you lay eyes on me,
the rush is from above
it feels so heavenly,
come and charge me up
like electricity,
my remedy ....

all in my, in my head
all in my, lucid dreams
take my pain away
ela ela, ela ela
ela ela, ela ela

live one more day in my arms
in my arms, let's go further together
in my dreams, grow wings and fly,
you could be my only one
na na na na ni, aman!

Aa aa ela ela ela
Aa aa ela ela ela

moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I’ll show you what it’s like
beyond your fantasy
my remedy ....

all in my, in my head,
all in my lucid dreams
take my pain away,
ela ela ela ela

live one more day in my arms
in my arms, let's go further together
in my dreams, grow wings and fly,
you could be my only one
na na na na ni, aman!

Aa aa ela ela ela
Aa aa ela ela ela
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Views: 1,131
Uploaded: Mar 29 2022
Videos: 10
Subscribers: 242
ringing through my head
when you lay eyes on me,
the rush is from above
it feels so heavenly,
come and charge me up
like electricity,
my remedy ....

all in my, in my head
all in my, lucid dreams
take my pain away
ela ela, ela ela
ela ela, ela ela

live one more day in my arms
in my arms, let's go further together
in my dreams, grow wings and fly,
you could be my only one
na na na na ni, aman!

Aa aa ela ela ela
Aa aa ela ela ela

moving to the beat in perfect harmony
I’ll show you what it’s like
beyond your fantasy
my remedy ....

all in my, in my head,
all in my lucid dreams
take my pain away,
ela ela ela ela

live one more day in my arms
in my arms, let's go further together
in my dreams, grow wings and fly,
you could be my only one
na na na na ni, aman!

Aa aa ela ela ela
Aa aa ela ela ela