Max Raabe - Fahrrad fahr´n
Max Raabe - Fahrrad fahr´n
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Uploaded: Feb 23 2022
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Sometimes life is pretty easy
Two wheels, a handlebar and that's enough
When I ride my bike '
Then the world is very simple
The cars are stuck in a traffic jam I drive over
All traffic lights green, the train is free
When I ride my bike
In the middle of the city

Bike ride
When I ride my bike
I'm pedaling
And do not need engines
Bike ride
Nothing is as beautiful as cycling
The ideal for me
The wind blows around the ears

Sometimes everything goes smoothly in life
Provided that you have a bike
Then the thoughts fly
And you do not need to refuel
The police say hello, "Good Tach!"
Because I always do everything right
Should you be without a bike?
Can I lend you mine?

Nothing is as beautiful as cycling
I can whistle on the car
I only need two tires

And when it rains
I put on a cap
And if it rains again
I like to buy the rain
It's better than running

(Bike ride, bike ride, bike, bike ride)

Bike ride
When I ride my bike
That's the best
And lift the sandals
Comments (2)
Views: 935
Uploaded: Feb 23 2022
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 1
Videos: 150
Subscribers: 43
Sometimes life is pretty easy
Two wheels, a handlebar and that's enough
When I ride my bike '
Then the world is very simple
The cars are stuck in a traffic jam I drive over
All traffic lights green, the train is free
When I ride my bike
In the middle of the city

Bike ride
When I ride my bike
I'm pedaling
And do not need engines
Bike ride
Nothing is as beautiful as cycling
The ideal for me
The wind blows around the ears

Sometimes everything goes smoothly in life
Provided that you have a bike
Then the thoughts fly
And you do not need to refuel
The police say hello, "Good Tach!"
Because I always do everything right
Should you be without a bike?
Can I lend you mine?

Nothing is as beautiful as cycling
I can whistle on the car
I only need two tires

And when it rains
I put on a cap
And if it rains again
I like to buy the rain
It's better than running

(Bike ride, bike ride, bike, bike ride)

Bike ride
When I ride my bike
That's the best
And lift the sandals