Two minutes are the best segments to gauge somebody's tell signs. Stand Out Get Noticed podcast guest Richard Blank Cost
Two minutes are the best segments to gauge somebody's tell signs. Stand Out Get Noticed podcast guest Richard Blank Cost
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Christina Canters: Hey Richard, uh, when you first reached out to me and said, Hey, I think I've got something of value to share to your audience. You talked about micro facial expression reading. I'm actually gonna say that again. Phonetic micro expression, reading for mastering, verbal tell tale Tell science. Now that was that ped my interest because I have not learned anything before about phonetic micro-expression reading.

Can you share what that even is? Absolutely. I would love to, and I think your audience will find it fascinating. You mentioned earlier about facial expressions and there's nothing wrong. With reading someone's body language. In fact, most people are used to reading people's expressions. Now, I always believe in congruence where the audio is supposed to match the visual.

Now, in my industry, owning a call center, the majority, if not all of the calls, are sight unseen. So phonetics to me, Christina, is probably the purest form of communication. The sound of speech, not the semantics or even the tone. Okay? And so with the phonetic micro expression, What I would like to show your audience is a very simple x, y chart, okay?

The tone of voice should always be positive and empathetic, so you show confidence and you show empathy. Now, there's a technique called mirror imaging. People use this in sales and public speaking, interpersonal communication and conflict management. I use it for manipulation because if you have a consistent variable, you can see inconsistencies.

So you and I can gauge somebody on how fast and how loud they speak. I believe 30 seconds. Two minutes are probably the best sort of segments to gauge somebody. And if you happen to see a spike or a dip, it's usually when you ask a tie down or clarification question to somebody. And so these are usually for first time phone calls or when you know somebody for a long period of time and even face to face.

Stand Out Get Noticed podcast (The C Method Episode 283) has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding moving abroad and starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica. Christina Canters discusses with Richard advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading and INXS.

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Views: 615
Uploaded: Dec 6 2022
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Christina Canters: Hey Richard, uh, when you first reached out to me and said, Hey, I think I've got something of value to share to your audience. You talked about micro facial expression reading. I'm actually gonna say that again. Phonetic micro expression, reading for mastering, verbal tell tale Tell science. Now that was that ped my interest because I have not learned anything before about phonetic micro-expression reading.

Can you share what that even is? Absolutely. I would love to, and I think your audience will find it fascinating. You mentioned earlier about facial expressions and there's nothing wrong. With reading someone's body language. In fact, most people are used to reading people's expressions. Now, I always believe in congruence where the audio is supposed to match the visual.

Now, in my industry, owning a call center, the majority, if not all of the calls, are sight unseen. So phonetics to me, Christina, is probably the purest form of communication. The sound of speech, not the semantics or even the tone. Okay? And so with the phonetic micro expression, What I would like to show your audience is a very simple x, y chart, okay?

The tone of voice should always be positive and empathetic, so you show confidence and you show empathy. Now, there's a technique called mirror imaging. People use this in sales and public speaking, interpersonal communication and conflict management. I use it for manipulation because if you have a consistent variable, you can see inconsistencies.

So you and I can gauge somebody on how fast and how loud they speak. I believe 30 seconds. Two minutes are probably the best sort of segments to gauge somebody. And if you happen to see a spike or a dip, it's usually when you ask a tie down or clarification question to somebody. And so these are usually for first time phone calls or when you know somebody for a long period of time and even face to face.

Stand Out Get Noticed podcast (The C Method Episode 283) has accepted Richard Blank's invitation to join the audience for a solid discussion regarding moving abroad and starting a company from scratch in Costa Rica. Christina Canters discusses with Richard advanced telemarketing strategy, conflict management, interpersonal soft skills, customer support, rhetoric, gamification, employee motivation, phonetic micro expression reading and INXS.
