Gozar la vida
Gozar la vida
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Views: 441
Uploaded: Aug 3 2023
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Enjoy life
Let me tell you a little something
I know that you'll like it.
I was born so many times
I don't want to die anymore.

I've been saved in so many wars
I got tired of crying
And now that I am back
I want to live life more.

Some are born with everything, and other with almost nothin'
but we all carry a tickets that says
beginning and end, gentleman

Gentleman, one has to enjoy life
the time will pass you by soon
enjoy what you have
so that when you leave, you bring nothing

Here are friends forever, and others come and go,
but we all live in a roulette
that doesn't stop, gentleman

Walk down the road, don't be afraid,
because those who criticize, in reality criticize themselves
and search for your luck
because nothing is written, don't look back.

Gentleman, enjoy life
Gentleman, think no more
and live the way you can
Gentleman enjoy, live until the end
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Views: 441
Uploaded: Aug 3 2023
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 2
Videos: 26
Subscribers: 18
Enjoy life
Let me tell you a little something
I know that you'll like it.
I was born so many times
I don't want to die anymore.

I've been saved in so many wars
I got tired of crying
And now that I am back
I want to live life more.

Some are born with everything, and other with almost nothin'
but we all carry a tickets that says
beginning and end, gentleman

Gentleman, one has to enjoy life
the time will pass you by soon
enjoy what you have
so that when you leave, you bring nothing

Here are friends forever, and others come and go,
but we all live in a roulette
that doesn't stop, gentleman

Walk down the road, don't be afraid,
because those who criticize, in reality criticize themselves
and search for your luck
because nothing is written, don't look back.

Gentleman, enjoy life
Gentleman, think no more
and live the way you can
Gentleman enjoy, live until the end