The Cribs - Mirror Kissers
The Cribs - Mirror Kissers
Videos: 11
Subscribers: 14
Views: 420
Uploaded: Sep 10 2024
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You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that 'cos you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You aren't allowed to say anything
We kicked around down water lane
But you're not all, all there
You aren't allowed to say anything
You left me on the street, talking to drains
Cause you're not all, all there

You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that cause you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You aren't allowed to say anything
We kicked around down water lane
But you're not all, all there
You aren't allowed to say anything
You left me on the street, talking to drains
Cause you're not all, all there

You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that cause you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You like to tell yourself that I'm nobody
I think you must have known I'd make you sorry
Comments (4)
Views: 420
Uploaded: Sep 10 2024
Rate this video
Rating: 4.3/5 ~ Votes: 6
Videos: 11
Subscribers: 14
You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that 'cos you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You aren't allowed to say anything
We kicked around down water lane
But you're not all, all there
You aren't allowed to say anything
You left me on the street, talking to drains
Cause you're not all, all there

You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that cause you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You aren't allowed to say anything
We kicked around down water lane
But you're not all, all there
You aren't allowed to say anything
You left me on the street, talking to drains
Cause you're not all, all there

You aren't allowed to say that you're better
You aren't allowed to say that cause you're the hipster type
You're that type
You've got a lot to say, but don't mention
The mirror kissing ways of the hipster type
You're that type

You like to tell yourself that I'm nobody
I think you must have known I'd make you sorry