In The Hague in 1961, two local boys named Rinus Gerritsen (15) and George Kooymans (13) started a band, "The Tornados", which became the forerunner of Golden Earring. The band went through a number of early personnel changes until settling on a stable lineup in 1970, consisting of Rinus Gerritsen (bass and keyboards), George Kooymans (vocals and guitar), Barry Hay (vocals, guitar, flute and saxophone), and Cesar Zuiderwijk (drums and percussion), which remained unchanged until 2021 when Kooymans was diagnosed with ALS. Golden Earring are the oldest rock back still in existence, forming a few months before The Rolling Stones.
This song is about Barry Hay (lead), befriending a man named Ed(win) years ago, who was a Hells Angel...a reference in the line, "Well, Heaven and Hell came together that night", as Ed died in a motorcycle accident that night. "the Run" was a biker bar that he hung out in.
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