What Did The Viking Houses Look Like
What Did The Viking Houses Look Like
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Views: 669
Uploaded: Oct 14 2021
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'During the Viking age, most people lived in the countryside around the world and that was of course also the case for the people in Scandinavia. These people lived in small villages that consisted of six to seven farms.

A tight little community like this probably created some strong and close ties with their friends and family. It was a tough job to be a farmer back then, every morning they would wake up to the sound of the rooster crowing outside.'
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Views: 669
Uploaded: Oct 14 2021
Videos: 457
Subscribers: 123
'During the Viking age, most people lived in the countryside around the world and that was of course also the case for the people in Scandinavia. These people lived in small villages that consisted of six to seven farms.

A tight little community like this probably created some strong and close ties with their friends and family. It was a tough job to be a farmer back then, every morning they would wake up to the sound of the rooster crowing outside.'