All The Wild Horses
All The Wild Horses
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Views: 1,071
Uploaded: Dec 7 2021
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These horse are rounded up by our government off the land that was set aside for them and other wild animals could live freely.But, that has ot been the case sense they started leaching out the land to cattleman. To run the cattle on the land that belongs to the Wild Horses. We have been fighting this roundup for years. They are sold, or set aside for butcher. People come in from Mexico with several semi-trucks, and the horses that are not sold. The butchers get them. Even if they are pregnant. Really, unnecessary. But all you know, what fighting the government is like.
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Views: 1,071
Uploaded: Dec 7 2021
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 1
Videos: 54
Subscribers: 34
These horse are rounded up by our government off the land that was set aside for them and other wild animals could live freely.But, that has ot been the case sense they started leaching out the land to cattleman. To run the cattle on the land that belongs to the Wild Horses. We have been fighting this roundup for years. They are sold, or set aside for butcher. People come in from Mexico with several semi-trucks, and the horses that are not sold. The butchers get them. Even if they are pregnant. Really, unnecessary. But all you know, what fighting the government is like.