Dancing Security Guards Shock Morning Office Workers!
Dancing Security Guards Shock Morning Office Workers!
Videos: 651
Subscribers: 171
Views: 1,385
Uploaded: Apr 14 2021
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Want to dance like Club Mob? Now you CAN! Get more information about our upcoming dance platform here - whether you're a total beginner or want to improve your dance skills!
Dance routines from our videos, taught by our team!

Now THIS is the way to open an office. Big thanks to Trade Desk UK for having us and letting us run amok in your new office space...sorry about the confetti! ;) We love bringing dance, surprises and flash mobs to events that least expect it. These guys will never forget their office opening! This was performed in September 2019 and is a repost due to a music issue. To talk to our expert team about your event, contact us at https://whoisclubmob.co.uk/!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more surprises, and make sure to check out our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/clubmob to see our plans for 2021, bringing more flash mobs and surprises to the world!
SUBSCRIBE ▶ https://bit.ly/2UPfckt
INSTAGRAM ▶ @clubmob
TWITTER ▶ @whoisclubmob

Club Mob Dancers in order of appearance:
Michael @mike_james88
Louis @louisqfitness
MJ @mjayleee
Alex @alexisclubmob
Jake @jakemaiden
Jai @Jaifacee
Tarek @tarekkhwiss
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Views: 1,385
Uploaded: Apr 14 2021
Rate this video
Rating: 2.95/5 ~ Votes: 6
Videos: 651
Subscribers: 171
Want to dance like Club Mob? Now you CAN! Get more information about our upcoming dance platform here - whether you're a total beginner or want to improve your dance skills!
Dance routines from our videos, taught by our team!

Now THIS is the way to open an office. Big thanks to Trade Desk UK for having us and letting us run amok in your new office space...sorry about the confetti! ;) We love bringing dance, surprises and flash mobs to events that least expect it. These guys will never forget their office opening! This was performed in September 2019 and is a repost due to a music issue. To talk to our expert team about your event, contact us at https://whoisclubmob.co.uk/!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more surprises, and make sure to check out our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/clubmob to see our plans for 2021, bringing more flash mobs and surprises to the world!
SUBSCRIBE ▶ https://bit.ly/2UPfckt
INSTAGRAM ▶ @clubmob
TWITTER ▶ @whoisclubmob

Club Mob Dancers in order of appearance:
Michael @mike_james88
Louis @louisqfitness
MJ @mjayleee
Alex @alexisclubmob
Jake @jakemaiden
Jai @Jaifacee
Tarek @tarekkhwiss