After watching this Sneak Preview Commercial,I can't wait untile this New Disney Cartoon comes out which "The Ghost and Molly Mcgee" looks like it'll be a fun new cartoon which will be the next best thing since Phinias and Ferb:
but however,at the same time I'm also worried about how popular this cartoon will get once it reaches it's potential,because heres one thing I hope doesn''t happen,I pray and hope to god this cartoon does not spawn a Toxic Fanbase like what happaned with both "Gravity Falls" and the rediculously Batshit insane MLP Fandom,and also especially Star VS the Forces of Evil
No offense to My Little Pony fans,but I outright detest that franchise with a burning passion! Why you may ask? because the Fandom Disgusts the living Hell out of me and has one of the worst Toxic Fanbases in existance,especially when it's filled with creepy ass grown man that obsessed over this franchise in the creepiest ways possible especially when they fucking pony-rise every other franchise they see "Keep that fucking pony Shit out of my Chrono Trigger!!!"
seriously,I've never seen a fandom this toxic since Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokemon. now granted,I'll admit,I use to enjoy MLP through the first season on the Hub/discovery family,but once it quickly got popular and became an overnight sensation,it spawned one of the worst toxic fandoms in existance which quickly killed my enjoyment of that series and I quickly lost interest.
so heres to hoping the same thing doesn't happen to The Ghost of Molly Mcgee,because it's already bad enough that Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z have both been ruined for me in recent years because of they're batshit insane toxic fanbases,I'm sorry but after the Vic Mignogna drama,I can't look at the DBZ fandom the same way again.
anyways,looking forward to this new cartoon when it comes out this fall in october! and PLEASE!!! hope to god this has a civilized Fanbase!
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