The game room pinball machines are older than the agents. Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank
The game room pinball machines are older than the agents. Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank
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Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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The company game room pinball machines are older than the young telemarketing agents. Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank Costa Rica's Call Center

I, I couldn't agree more. I am just thoroughly enjoying this conversation. Me too. Uh, good time. you? You're you're, you're an amazing guy and you're also a fun loving guy, uh, because you've got one of the largest, uh, if not the largest, um, jukebox and, um, pinball collections in all of central. Forget my business.

That's what I'm proud of. People say you could go back and talk to your 14 year old self and tell 'em what you do. I'd be you got pinball machines. , you'd be the first question I'd ask myself. Yes, yes, yes I do. And it's, it's an obsession of mine and people have no idea. The treasures that they have that are in their bodegas.
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Views: 671
Uploaded: Sep 26 2022
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The company game room pinball machines are older than the young telemarketing agents. Positive Talk Radio guest Richard Blank Costa Rica's Call Center

I, I couldn't agree more. I am just thoroughly enjoying this conversation. Me too. Uh, good time. you? You're you're, you're an amazing guy and you're also a fun loving guy, uh, because you've got one of the largest, uh, if not the largest, um, jukebox and, um, pinball collections in all of central. Forget my business.

That's what I'm proud of. People say you could go back and talk to your 14 year old self and tell 'em what you do. I'd be you got pinball machines. , you'd be the first question I'd ask myself. Yes, yes, yes I do. And it's, it's an obsession of mine and people have no idea. The treasures that they have that are in their bodegas.