Stunt Kite Tricks
Stunt Kite Tricks
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Views: 47
Uploaded: Mar 11 2025
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I recently took up the hobby of flying these cool kites, and it has been a lot of fun learning some of the tricks. Stunt Kites, sometimes referred to as Sport Kites, are fairly similar to standard kites, with the big difference being they have multiple lines which are used to maneuver the kite mid-air. We have a blast with these all spring and summer long. Highly recommended if you are looking for a fun new hobby to try. Moderate to windy conditions are an absolute must to get these puppies off the ground. Enjoy!
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Views: 47
Uploaded: Mar 11 2025
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 4
Videos: 46
Subscribers: 23
I recently took up the hobby of flying these cool kites, and it has been a lot of fun learning some of the tricks. Stunt Kites, sometimes referred to as Sport Kites, are fairly similar to standard kites, with the big difference being they have multiple lines which are used to maneuver the kite mid-air. We have a blast with these all spring and summer long. Highly recommended if you are looking for a fun new hobby to try. Moderate to windy conditions are an absolute must to get these puppies off the ground. Enjoy!