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Uploaded: Feb 18 2023
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Weighbridges are used all over the world. Both small and large companies, as well as transport companies, weigh trucks that transport all types of cargo, from food products to metals, as well as durable consumer goods or solid waste.
Most commonly a weighbridge is used to determine the weight of goods bought and sold in quantities expressed in full loads. In that case, the information provided by the weighbridge is an essential element of the commercial transaction. The truck scale works, ultimately, like a cash register.
The inspecting entities also use weighbridges to check whether the truck is carrying its load in accordance with the weight limits pre-established in the legislation for road vehicles. They are also used to inspect the volumes received and shipped from the facilities, such as waste treatment or solid waste recycling centres, construction sites, among others.
TagsCrane (hanging) scales, Whole sale scales, Baby scales, Mini palm scales, Industrial platforms, assorted weighing brands including Avery, Salter, Health ( height and weight ) scales, Precision scales Analytical/Laboratory scales, Moisture meters, Temperature gauges, Pallet trolleys, kitchen scales
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