Gary B.- Bitter Sweet
Gary B.- Bitter Sweet
Videos: 651
Subscribers: 171
Views: 766
Uploaded: Feb 19 2022
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Gary B,- Bitter (Cafe del Mar)
Give you all the love that I can.
I guess you know by now how I feel.
No, theres no one else in my heart.
You are the only one that I need.

So now when you leave...
itґs so bitter sweet
now for so deep...
itґs so bitter sweet...
Thank you Gary for this wonderful song

~~Love & Peace~~
Gorgeous Music
Comments (1)
Views: 766
Uploaded: Feb 19 2022
Videos: 651
Subscribers: 171
Gary B,- Bitter (Cafe del Mar)
Give you all the love that I can.
I guess you know by now how I feel.
No, theres no one else in my heart.
You are the only one that I need.

So now when you leave...
itґs so bitter sweet
now for so deep...
itґs so bitter sweet...
Thank you Gary for this wonderful song

~~Love & Peace~~
Gorgeous Music