Who is a good candidate for reconstructive dentistry
Who is a good candidate for reconstructive dentistry
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Uploaded: May 15 2023
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Patients who have lost teeth due to decay, injury, or periodontal disease, or who have teeth that are affected by developmental defects or trauma, may be good candidates for reconstructive dentistry. This type of dentistry can improve the function and appearance of teeth. However, there are some risks involved with reconstructive dentistry, such as pain and swelling, infection, nerve damage, and bleeding. In this video, we will take a closer look at who is a good candidate for reconstructive dentistry and what the risks involved are.

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Views: 357
Uploaded: May 15 2023
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Patients who have lost teeth due to decay, injury, or periodontal disease, or who have teeth that are affected by developmental defects or trauma, may be good candidates for reconstructive dentistry. This type of dentistry can improve the function and appearance of teeth. However, there are some risks involved with reconstructive dentistry, such as pain and swelling, infection, nerve damage, and bleeding. In this video, we will take a closer look at who is a good candidate for reconstructive dentistry and what the risks involved are.
