Views: 1,538
Uploaded: Aug 28 2021
Videos: 34
Subscribers: 36
#PokemonSword #NintendoSwitch #Pokemon
Hello, welcome to part 3 of my random gameplay of Pokemon Sword. In this video, I show all of you the footage of a second Pokemon I have evolving. The Pokemon is Zigzagoon and it evolves into Linoone. I am proud of how my Pokemon are becoming into the Pokemon Sword game. I will be showing Part 4 of my Random Gameplay of Pokemon Sword another time, sometime around this upcoming week.
This was originally recorded on my Nintendo Switch game console on August 25th, 2021, now it is added on here on August 27th, 2021. I hope y'all enjoy the video, if y'all did feel free to subscribe to my channel, comment / rate this video and like it if you enjoyed it. Enjoy everyone and remember to KEEP ON GAMING AND KEEP ON COLLECTING WHAT Y'ALL LOVE! :)
TagsPokemon, Pokemon Sword, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, TheVideoGamer64, Gaming, Pokemon Videos, Pokemon Sword Videos, Nintendo Switch Videos, Nintendo Videos, TheVideoGamer64's Videos, Pokemon Sword Part 3
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