There are days when life dies
And it hurts deep down to the soul
But I look her in the eyes without smiling
Without giving in, without blinking
I tell her directly without detours
I am not afraid of your wind of trials
I have been through fire, through rain, through storms
And I am still here stronger than yesterday
Life, I'm not afraid of your pain
I'm stronger no matter what you try
I sometimes stumble but I never fall
I cry now but I'm reborn every time
You burned me many times,
you tore my silence
But I didn't give in, I kept my strength
I truly believe in good and in light
My patience is the key even if it's a muddy road
Even when it hurts when I shout injustice
I find the strength to forgive to get up
I know how to live with your blows
I know how to defeat you to stay on my path
And I wonder what I did wrong
And you tell me 'you were too good, you loved'
But life is short, I know it too well
I do what pleases me, what keeps me close to me
I'm not afraid of your pain, life
I'm stronger no matter what you try