they call me Trinity 1970
they call me Trinity 1970
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Uploaded: May 5 2024
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Lo chiamavano Trinità... is a 1970 Italian spaghetti Western comedy film written and directed by Enzo Barboni (under the pseudonym of E.B. Clucher) and produced by Italo Zingarelli. The film stars the comedy team of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer as two half-brothers, Trinity and Bambino, who help defend a Mormon settlement from Mexican bandits and the henchmen of the land-grabbing Major Harriman. It was filmed on location in Campo Imperatore, Abruzzo, Italy
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Views: 241
Uploaded: May 5 2024
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Rating: 5/5 ~ Votes: 1
Videos: 422
Subscribers: 39
Lo chiamavano Trinità... is a 1970 Italian spaghetti Western comedy film written and directed by Enzo Barboni (under the pseudonym of E.B. Clucher) and produced by Italo Zingarelli. The film stars the comedy team of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer as two half-brothers, Trinity and Bambino, who help defend a Mormon settlement from Mexican bandits and the henchmen of the land-grabbing Major Harriman. It was filmed on location in Campo Imperatore, Abruzzo, Italy