Goddess Lakshmi Wall Hanging Brass Plate
Goddess Lakshmi Wall Hanging Brass Plate
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Uploaded: Aug 18 2021
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Lakshmi is one of the most popular goddesses of Hindu mythology and is known as the goddess of wealth and purity. She is the consort of the god Vishnu and is the mother of 19 children. The circular brass Wall Hanging of Goddess Lakshmi is tinted with a tinge of bright golden color, as it encapsulates a divine event of the charming goddess, with finely embossed carvings that are beautifully eye-catching. It is gracefully ornamented with deeply carved ripples, producing huge waves that crash over.

Goddess Lakshmi Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/goddess-lakshmi-wall-hanging-plate-zbv74/

Goddess Lakshmi: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/lakshmi/

Goddess Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/

Brass Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/

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Views: 698
Uploaded: Aug 18 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Lakshmi is one of the most popular goddesses of Hindu mythology and is known as the goddess of wealth and purity. She is the consort of the god Vishnu and is the mother of 19 children. The circular brass Wall Hanging of Goddess Lakshmi is tinted with a tinge of bright golden color, as it encapsulates a divine event of the charming goddess, with finely embossed carvings that are beautifully eye-catching. It is gracefully ornamented with deeply carved ripples, producing huge waves that crash over.

Goddess Lakshmi Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/goddess-lakshmi-wall-hanging-plate-zbv74/

Goddess Lakshmi: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/lakshmi/

Goddess Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/

Brass Wall Hanging: https://exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/

#sculptures #wallhangings #brasswallhanging #goddesslakshmiwallhanging #goddesslakshmi #brasswallhanging #brasssculpture #wallhangingplate