Shiva Gaja Samhara Murthy Madhuchista Vidhana Lost-Wax Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai
Shiva Gaja Samhara Murthy Madhuchista Vidhana Lost-Wax Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai
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Uploaded: Mar 29 2022
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Gaja Samhara is a ferocious form of Lord Shiva popularized during the Chola period. Gaja Samhara Shiva means the slayer of elephant and represents him as ego annihilator and soul emancipator. Legends tell of an asura who in the guise of an elephant, Gajasura, became so strong in time that he began to torture and kill even the devas. There was none left in the three realms who would stand before Gajasura’s tremendous might. The asura deluded himself into thinking that he ruled the universe and made a fatal mistake; blinded by his elephantine ego, he attacked a group of sages engaged in the act of offering ritual sacrifices to the linga.

Gaja Samhara Bronze Statue:

Shiva Statue:

Hindu God:

#shivastatue #gajasamharastatue #bronzestatue #gajasamharamurthy #madhuchistavidhana #lostwaxstatue #panchlohabronze #swamimalaistatue #statues #hindugod #handmade #indianart
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Views: 561
Uploaded: Mar 29 2022
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Photos: 364
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Gaja Samhara is a ferocious form of Lord Shiva popularized during the Chola period. Gaja Samhara Shiva means the slayer of elephant and represents him as ego annihilator and soul emancipator. Legends tell of an asura who in the guise of an elephant, Gajasura, became so strong in time that he began to torture and kill even the devas. There was none left in the three realms who would stand before Gajasura’s tremendous might. The asura deluded himself into thinking that he ruled the universe and made a fatal mistake; blinded by his elephantine ego, he attacked a group of sages engaged in the act of offering ritual sacrifices to the linga.

Gaja Samhara Bronze Statue:

Shiva Statue:

Hindu God:

#shivastatue #gajasamharastatue #bronzestatue #gajasamharamurthy #madhuchistavidhana #lostwaxstatue #panchlohabronze #swamimalaistatue #statues #hindugod #handmade #indianart