Japanese Durga-Juntei Kannon or Chandi Brass Statue
Japanese Durga-Juntei Kannon or Chandi Brass Statue
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Uploaded: Feb 18 2022
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Over the years, Buddhist-Tantric traditions have incorporated numerous elements of Hinduism. Its deities are no exception: they have varied iconographies in different, predominantly Buddhist countries. The murti that you see on this page is of the Japanese Devi Durga. She is known as Butsu-Mo or Koti-Sri and is worshipped as a wrathful protectoress. The Japanese Durga is seated in padmasana on a lotus throne. Its narrow pistil resting on a slightly wider plinth gives it the shape of a gigantic goblet. The infinitude of limb and weapon, all forming a gossamer network about Her, is a hallmark of Japanese iconography. A composure of profound contemplation characterises Her sharp-featured face. Like most Buddhist iconographies, Japanese Durga wears a high crown engraved with the image of the Shakyamuni. Behind the seated figure is an aureole the shape of a dia, seemingly made of leaf and vine. A mythical flower grows at its zenith. This Japanese Durga murti comes in three colours of varying tone finish.

Japnese Chandi Brass Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/16-japanese-durga-juntei-kannon-or-chandi-in-brass-handmade-rf65/

Goddess Durga Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/durga/

Goddess Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/

Brass Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/

#brassstatue #japanesegoddess #goddessdurga #chandidurgastatue #matachandistatue #junteikannon #chandi #japanesedurga #buddhist #buddhistgoddess #statues #sculptures #handmadestatues #indianart
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Views: 564
Uploaded: Feb 18 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Over the years, Buddhist-Tantric traditions have incorporated numerous elements of Hinduism. Its deities are no exception: they have varied iconographies in different, predominantly Buddhist countries. The murti that you see on this page is of the Japanese Devi Durga. She is known as Butsu-Mo or Koti-Sri and is worshipped as a wrathful protectoress. The Japanese Durga is seated in padmasana on a lotus throne. Its narrow pistil resting on a slightly wider plinth gives it the shape of a gigantic goblet. The infinitude of limb and weapon, all forming a gossamer network about Her, is a hallmark of Japanese iconography. A composure of profound contemplation characterises Her sharp-featured face. Like most Buddhist iconographies, Japanese Durga wears a high crown engraved with the image of the Shakyamuni. Behind the seated figure is an aureole the shape of a dia, seemingly made of leaf and vine. A mythical flower grows at its zenith. This Japanese Durga murti comes in three colours of varying tone finish.

Japnese Chandi Brass Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/sculptures/16-japanese-durga-juntei-kannon-or-chandi-in-brass-handmade-rf65/

Goddess Durga Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/durga/

Goddess Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/goddess/

Brass Statue: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/sculptures/brass/

#brassstatue #japanesegoddess #goddessdurga #chandidurgastatue #matachandistatue #junteikannon #chandi #japanesedurga #buddhist #buddhistgoddess #statues #sculptures #handmadestatues #indianart