Standing Mendicant Buddha Brass Statue
Standing Mendicant Buddha Brass Statue
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Views: 696
Uploaded: Oct 30 2021
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A one-of-a-kind standing Buddha sculpture. Usually depicted as a seated figure nestled in the belly of a lotus, Siddhartha Gautama had a long past before He sat down at the foot of the Bodhi tree. He had spent years wandering the dense Himalayan foothills as an ascetic and the great Northern plains as a mendicant. The murti that you see on this page is of the wandering mendicant, seemingly just arrived at the door of a householder seeking bare nourishment.

Standing Mendicant Buddha:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:


#statues #sculptures #buddhastatue #standingbuddha #brassstatues #medicantbuddha #buddhasculptures #buddhamurti #murti #buddhist
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Views: 696
Uploaded: Oct 30 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
A one-of-a-kind standing Buddha sculpture. Usually depicted as a seated figure nestled in the belly of a lotus, Siddhartha Gautama had a long past before He sat down at the foot of the Bodhi tree. He had spent years wandering the dense Himalayan foothills as an ascetic and the great Northern plains as a mendicant. The murti that you see on this page is of the wandering mendicant, seemingly just arrived at the door of a householder seeking bare nourishment.

Standing Mendicant Buddha:

Buddha Statue:

Brass Statue:


#statues #sculptures #buddhastatue #standingbuddha #brassstatues #medicantbuddha #buddhasculptures #buddhamurti #murti #buddhist