Trimukhi And Shashabhujadhari Lord Dattatreya White Marble Sculpture
Trimukhi And Shashabhujadhari Lord Dattatreya White Marble Sculpture
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Uploaded: Nov 6 2021
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There is much to Lord Dattatreya that sets Him apart from the rest of the Hindu rishees. An ascetic of the finest order and lord of yoga, He is said to have been born of unwed parents and taught by twenty-four natural elements as opposed to a traditional guru. Possessed of a sharp mind and a resilient body, Lord Dattatreya is said to have traversed the Western Ghats for years in His quest for yoga, and contemplated upon the Gandhamadana mountain into samadhi.

Lord Dattatreya White Marble Statue:



#statues #sculptures #lorddattatreya #whitemarble #marble #hindugod #shashabhujadhari #trimukhidattatreya #stonestatues
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Views: 656
Uploaded: Nov 6 2021
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Photos: 364
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There is much to Lord Dattatreya that sets Him apart from the rest of the Hindu rishees. An ascetic of the finest order and lord of yoga, He is said to have been born of unwed parents and taught by twenty-four natural elements as opposed to a traditional guru. Possessed of a sharp mind and a resilient body, Lord Dattatreya is said to have traversed the Western Ghats for years in His quest for yoga, and contemplated upon the Gandhamadana mountain into samadhi.

Lord Dattatreya White Marble Statue:



#statues #sculptures #lorddattatreya #whitemarble #marble #hindugod #shashabhujadhari #trimukhidattatreya #stonestatues