Goddess Meenakshi Tanjore Painting In Teakwood Frame
Goddess Meenakshi Tanjore Painting In Teakwood Frame
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Uploaded: Feb 14 2022
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The lovely Devi Meenakshi is captured in the sumptuous Tanjore medium. For the devotees of Madurai’s guardian deity, such a painting would be a valuable addition to the home or office space. It depicts the Parvati-Roopa Devi standing with a soft-bellied lotus beneath Her feet. Garlands of fresh flowers of varied colors are around Her neck and Her shoulders, and over the archway of Her temple entrance. The pastel-colored soft-textured floral elements balance the luxuriant metallic embellishments in this composition. The Devi’s saree is made up of solid gold layers upon gesso-work. The same is true for the plinth beneath Her lotus-poised feet, the temple pillars on either side of the standing figure, and the Kirtimuham archway above - again - the gold-embellished crown. A complexion of soothing green color. Eyes brimming with life and expression. The artisan’s skill has brought the iconography to life in every square inch of the canvas. Framed by dark-colored wood, which is the norm with traditional Tanjore paintings.

Meenakshi Tanjore Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/paintings/goddess-meenakshi-tanjore-painting-traditional-colors-with-24k-gold-teakwood-frame-gold-wood-handmade-paa414/

Goddess Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/tanjore/goddess/

Tanjore Paintings: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/tanjore/

Indian Arts: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/

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Views: 529
Uploaded: Feb 14 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
The lovely Devi Meenakshi is captured in the sumptuous Tanjore medium. For the devotees of Madurai’s guardian deity, such a painting would be a valuable addition to the home or office space. It depicts the Parvati-Roopa Devi standing with a soft-bellied lotus beneath Her feet. Garlands of fresh flowers of varied colors are around Her neck and Her shoulders, and over the archway of Her temple entrance. The pastel-colored soft-textured floral elements balance the luxuriant metallic embellishments in this composition. The Devi’s saree is made up of solid gold layers upon gesso-work. The same is true for the plinth beneath Her lotus-poised feet, the temple pillars on either side of the standing figure, and the Kirtimuham archway above - again - the gold-embellished crown. A complexion of soothing green color. Eyes brimming with life and expression. The artisan’s skill has brought the iconography to life in every square inch of the canvas. Framed by dark-colored wood, which is the norm with traditional Tanjore paintings.

Meenakshi Tanjore Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/paintings/goddess-meenakshi-tanjore-painting-traditional-colors-with-24k-gold-teakwood-frame-gold-wood-handmade-paa414/

Goddess Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/tanjore/goddess/

Tanjore Paintings: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/tanjore/

Indian Arts: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/

#indianarts #paintings #goddess #meenakshipaintings #goddessmeenakshi #teakwoodframe #tanjorepaintings #arts #thanjvurpaintings #southindianart #meenakshitanjorepaintings #meenakshithanjavurpainting