Superfine Lord Krishna Bronze Statue as Venugopal
Superfine Lord Krishna Bronze Statue as Venugopal
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Uploaded: Feb 1 2022
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With his legendary flute in hand, the Supreme Lord Krishna stands cast in bronze, his graceful pose with his legs crossed acting as a hallmark to the elaborate carvings of the Hoysala architecture. In the form of Venugopal, Lord Krishna becomes the protector of cows and the owner of the flute Venu. His face is at utter peace and serenity as he plays his flute, harmonious notes pleasing to the ears. He is decked with ornaments that shine beatifically. When he resided in Braj, he often dallied with the gopis and his favourite Radha, playing melodious tunes for them. Such was his rasleela. It all began when one star studded night, gopis awoke in their houses hearing the sound of Krishna’s flute. It was so charming that they cleverly sneaked away from their homes. When they reached the forest, they found a big clearing where Krishna joyfully played away, blowing life through the hollow body of the flute just as he blew life into the gopis with his music.

Krishna Venugopal Bronze Statue:

Krishna Statues:

Hindu God:


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Views: 603
Uploaded: Feb 1 2022
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
With his legendary flute in hand, the Supreme Lord Krishna stands cast in bronze, his graceful pose with his legs crossed acting as a hallmark to the elaborate carvings of the Hoysala architecture. In the form of Venugopal, Lord Krishna becomes the protector of cows and the owner of the flute Venu. His face is at utter peace and serenity as he plays his flute, harmonious notes pleasing to the ears. He is decked with ornaments that shine beatifically. When he resided in Braj, he often dallied with the gopis and his favourite Radha, playing melodious tunes for them. Such was his rasleela. It all began when one star studded night, gopis awoke in their houses hearing the sound of Krishna’s flute. It was so charming that they cleverly sneaked away from their homes. When they reached the forest, they found a big clearing where Krishna joyfully played away, blowing life through the hollow body of the flute just as he blew life into the gopis with his music.

Krishna Venugopal Bronze Statue:

Krishna Statues:

Hindu God:


Indian Art:

#indianart #statues #krishnastatues #sculptures #krishnabronzestatues #venogopalstatue #largekrishnastatue #venugopalbronzestatue #art #handmadestatues #hindugod #hoysalaart #panchlohastatue #swamimalai