Goddess Kali Framed Embossed and Inlay on Wood from Mysore
Goddess Kali Framed Embossed and Inlay on Wood from Mysore
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Uploaded: Aug 19 2021
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Goddess Kali stands for the ferocity and the invincibility of the Orient. She is bloodthirsty and triumphant over adharm, usually portrayed wearing a garland of the heads of adharmees She has been slain. With Lord Shiva (Her husband) lying at Her feet, this image has been embossed and inlaid with the brightest of hues over rosewood that grows in Mysore.

WoodenFrameKali Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/paintings/goddess-kali-framed-pt59/

South Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/southindian/

Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/

#painting #mysoreart #goodesskali #hindugoodess #hindureligon #woodenframe
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Views: 718
Uploaded: Aug 19 2021
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Photos: 364
Subscribers: 2
Goddess Kali stands for the ferocity and the invincibility of the Orient. She is bloodthirsty and triumphant over adharm, usually portrayed wearing a garland of the heads of adharmees She has been slain. With Lord Shiva (Her husband) lying at Her feet, this image has been embossed and inlaid with the brightest of hues over rosewood that grows in Mysore.

WoodenFrameKali Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/product/paintings/goddess-kali-framed-pt59/

South Indian Art: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/southindian/

Painting: https://www.exoticindiaart.com/paintings/

#painting #mysoreart #goodesskali #hindugoodess #hindureligon #woodenframe